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ポテトクリームと水菜を添えた鯛のソテー Snapper, cream of potato with garlic and mizuna salad

Writer: petitselkyotopetitselkyoto

Updated: Dec 7, 2020


ポテトクリームと新鮮な水菜を使った上品な一品。 ディナーパーティーやクリスマスイブにもぴったりです。




・鯛の切り身 4枚

・大きなジャガイモ4個 皮をむく

・にんにく2片 すりおろし

・生クリーム 100ml

・牛乳 400ml

・バター 30g

・水菜 1/2束

・大黒しめじまたはエリンギ 400g 1cmにスライス

・オリーブオイル 大さじ3

・バルサミコ酢 小さじ1

・ 塩とコショウ









8.鯛の皮を味付けし、皮を下にして油を熱したフライパンで焼きます。 約3分間して魚の身がほぼすべて不透明になったら、裏返してもう1分間調理します。



Snapper, cream of potato with garlic and mizuna salad

Elegant dish, with a creamy potato and fresh mizuna. Perfect dinner party or Christmas Eve.

For 4 persons

Prep: 20 min/ cooking time 25 min


· 4 fillets of snapper

· 4 large potatoes, peeled

· 2 cloves garlic, grated

· 100ml liquid cream

· 400ml milk

· 30gr butter

· ½ bunch Mizuna salad

· 400gr daikoku shimeji mushroom cut into 1 cm piece

· 3 tablespoons olive oil

· 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

· Salt and pepper


1. Cut the potatoes into 3cm cubes and place them in a large pot with the garlic.

2. Cover the potatoes with milk and season with salt.

3. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer, uncovered, for about 10 to 12 minutes, until the potatoes fall apart easily when pierced with a fork.

4. Place hot potatoes mixture into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth, about 1 minute.

5. Slowly add melted butter and cream until smooth and creamy.

6. In a pan, over medium heat with 1 tablespoon olive oil, cook the daikoku shimeji mushroom both sides until brown color with salt and pepper.

7. In the non-stick frying pan, heat over medium-high 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

8. Season the snapper skin, then place it, skin-side down, in the oil. Once the flesh is nearly all opaque, around 3 mins, flip over and cook for 1 min mor.

9. In the small bowl, pour 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, season with salt and pepper, add the mizuna salad, toss it and reserve it.

10. For the presentation: Place a spoonful of potato cream into the centre of each plate and then sit the fillet of snapper on top followed by some daikoku shimeji and mizuna salad.

11. Serve immediately to your family or friends.


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